on 6.03.2008

A closer look at bottled water and our THIRST...

I'm prepping for a sermon this weekend on Psalm 63. In it, David says, "My soul thirsts for [God], my flesh faints for you as in a dry and weary land."

As an opener, I'm going to talk about our search to satisfy our thirst in our world. Some internet research has led me to some pretty eye-opening facts about our obsession with satisfying our thirst.

  • We spent $15 BILLION on Bottled Water in 2007.
  • 38 Billion plastic bottles were pitched into landfills accounting for $1 BILLION in thrown-away plastic.
  • 24% of our bottled water is repackaged TAP WATER from distributors like Coke and Pepsi.
  • In the sports drink department, we spent $5.4 BILLION on fancy sports drink to rehydrate ourselves, when most nutritionists will point out that a normal glass of water will work for the average exerciser. Olympic and pro athletes are really the only ones who need the super sports drinks.

(visit "here" to learn about water, and "here" to learn about sports drinks)