on 6.10.2009

Getting back into the swing of things...

It's been a while since I posted. I've probably lost all of my audience (except for my faithful mother....hi mom!). I'm going to get back into the swing of things since I'm experiencing a resurgence of ideas, I'm being linked to by an awesome new blog, and I'm throwing my hat into the twitter game. (you can follow me @ twitter. i'm "patimu").

Here's the shout out to the new blog started by our overly qualified, sorely underpaid minister for Youth and Family at PMLC -- Jerry Watts. Follow his latest entries on living with a changing youth ministry environment, here. There's some other links to great folks on his blogsite as well. Jerry is best understood with a large cup of coffee in your hand. He would prefer it.

I'll be back later...I'm gonna figure out how to get the twitter updates and such. It's all so foreign to me...I just don't think in 1's and 0's for this technology stuff. But, it should all be fun.


Jerry said...

whoo hoo the 116 blog is back! thanks for the kind words and link Paul!

Laurie/MOM said...

HI son, cool you back! I was hoping to see an update there you were! This new blog is great keep up the great work!! see ya,